Disposition of Sample
Into USDANC (General)
Upper Marlboro, Cemetery
Mihail Kantor
Date Received
G-8326: Unlabeled vial, information to come. Currently ID blank on label, will relabel when known. In beaker with G-8327.
G-8327: #2, 7 females, Xiphenema, 5/3/2023, Cemetary.
G-8326 and G-8327: Note in beaker with vials contains the following. Collect 5/3/23, Upper Marlboro, For L. patuxe. (assumption stands for Longidorous patuxentensis n. sp.) Cemetary #2, Contains Xiph., americ., Hoplolaimus, Tylenchorlynchus, Paratylenchus, Heliocotylenchus, Nema + others, Paratrichodorus., Tylenchus. All fixed in 3% 2% Form., Glycerin Soln., ZAH 5/4/2023.
G-8328: In 50 ml beaker with cut small end of Pippet tip, To check for any Nema., ZAH, Was collected woith 3% Formaldehyde and 2% Glycerine by STR on 8/19/2024.
G-8329: #1 5/3/2023, Upper Marlboro Cemetary for X. amer., Helico., Ring, Tylenchus, Tricho., Type. Removed from 1 slide on counter ZAH.
G-8327: #2, 7 females, Xiphenema, 5/3/2023, Cemetary.
G-8326 and G-8327: Note in beaker with vials contains the following. Collect 5/3/23, Upper Marlboro, For L. patuxe. (assumption stands for Longidorous patuxentensis n. sp.) Cemetary #2, Contains Xiph., americ., Hoplolaimus, Tylenchorlynchus, Paratylenchus, Heliocotylenchus, Nema + others, Paratrichodorus., Tylenchus. All fixed in 3% 2% Form., Glycerin Soln., ZAH 5/4/2023.
G-8328: In 50 ml beaker with cut small end of Pippet tip, To check for any Nema., ZAH, Was collected woith 3% Formaldehyde and 2% Glycerine by STR on 8/19/2024.
G-8329: #1 5/3/2023, Upper Marlboro Cemetary for X. amer., Helico., Ring, Tylenchus, Tricho., Type. Removed from 1 slide on counter ZAH.